Innovative Concepts for Agent-Based Systems, First International Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts

Creating Context-Aware Software Agents

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Sharing ontologies, sensing context and reasoning are crucial to the realization of context-aware software agents. This document de- scribes our efforts in using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Prolog Forward Chaining (Pfc) system to provide support for ontology sharing and reasoning in the CoolAgent Recommendation System (CoolAgent RS), a context-aware multi-agent system. We also describe the implementation of the CoolAgent RS document and cuisine recommendation services that provide tailored services by exploiting user's context.

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agent, context, contextual information resource description framework, pervasive computing, rdf, recommendation service, semantic web



NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Lecture Notes in Computer Science


DOI: From the proceedings of the 1st GSFC/JPL Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts (WRAC), which was held on 16–18 January 2002 at the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Conference Center in McLean, VA.

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