- R. Razavisousan and K. P. Joshi, "Building Textual Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling to Analyze Factors of Student Mobility Based on User Generated Content", Article, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, November 2022, 681 downloads.
- C. Hanks, M. Maiden, P. Ranade, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "CyberEnt: Extracting Domain Specific Entities from Cybersecurity Text", InProceedings, Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning, April 2022, 1060 downloads.
- C. Hanks and M. Maiden, "CyberEnt: A Cybersecurity Domain Specific Dataset for Named Entity Recognition", Misc, UMBC Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day, April 2022, 652 downloads.
- R. Ayanzadeh, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Compressive Geospatial Analytics", InProceedings, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, December 2019.
- D. Norris, L. Mateczun, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Cyberattacks at the Grass Roots: American Local Governments and the Need for High Levels of Cybersecurity", Article, Public Administration Review, February 2019, 1055 downloads.
- J. Sleeman, M. Halem, T. Finin, and M. Cane, "Advanced Large Scale Cross Domain Temporal Topic Modeling Algorithms to Infer the Influence of Recent Research on IPCC Assessment Reports", InProceedings, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, December 2016, 1663 downloads.
- B. Thuraisingham, M. Kantarcioglu, K. Hamlen, L. Khan, T. Finin, A. Joshi, T. Oates, and E. Bertino, "A Data Driven Approach for the Science of Cyber Security: Challenges and Directions", InProceedings, IEEE Conference on Information Reuse and Integration,, July 2016, 1603 downloads.
- A. Grover, J. Gholap, V. P. Janeja, Y. Yesha, R. Chintalapati, H. Marwaha, and K. Modi, "SQL-like big data environments: Case study in clinical trial analytics", InProceedings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, November 2015, 1614 downloads.
- A. A. Krisnadhi, Y. Hu, K. Janowicz, P. Hitzler, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, D. Fils, T. Finin, P. Ji, M. Jones, N. Karima, K. Lehnert, A. Mickle, and T. Narock, "The GeoLink Modular Oceanography Ontology", InProceedings, 14th International Semantic Web Conference, October 2015, 1079 downloads.
- A. A. Krisnadhi, Y. Hu, K. Janowicz, P. Hitzler, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, D. Fils, T. Finin, P. Ji, M. Jones, N. Karima, K. Lehnert, A. Mickle, and T. Narock, "The GeoLink Modular Oceanography Ontology", InProceedings, 14th International Semantic Web Conference, October 2015, 1085 downloads.
- A. A. Krisnadhi, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, T. Finin, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, T. Narock, L. Raymond, and P. Wiebe, "Ontology Pattern Modeling for Cross-Repository Data Integration in the Ocean Sciences: The Oceanographic Cruise Example", InBook, The Semantic Web in Earth and Space Science: Current Status and Future Directions, June 2015, 1428 downloads.
- T. Narock, A. A. Krisnadhi, P. Hitzler, M. Cheatham, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, A. Shepherd, C. Chandler, L. Raymond, P. Wiebe, and T. Finin, "The OceanLink Project", InProceedings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2014, 1223 downloads.
- A. A. Krisnadhi, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, T. Finin, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, T. Narock, L. Raymond, A. Shepherd, and P. Wiebe, "An Ontology Pattern for Oceanograhic Cruises: Towards an Oceanograhper's Dream of Integrated Knowledge Discovery", TechReport, June 2014, 1002 downloads.
- A. A. Krisnadhi, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, T. Finin, M. Cheatham, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, T. Narock, L. Raymond, A. Shepherd, and P. Wiebe, "An Ontology Pattern for Oceanographic Cruises: Towards an Oceanographer's Dream of Integrated Knowledge Discovery", TechReport, Wright State University, January 2014, 273 downloads.
- C. Tilmes, Y. Yesha, and M. Halem, "Tracking Provenance of Earth Science Data", Article, Earth Science Informatics, November 2010, 1728 downloads.
- M. M. Rahman and e., "A more appropriate Protein Classification using Data Mining", Article, journal of theoretical and applied information technology, November 2010.
- D. Chapman, K. P. Joshi, Y. Yesha, M. Halem, Y. Yesha, and P. Nguyen, "Scientific Services on the Cloud", InBook, Handbook of Cloud Computing, September 2010, 1808 downloads.
- J. Sachs and T. Finin, "What Does it Mean for a URI to Resolve?", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence, March 2010, 1894 downloads.
- C. Grasso, T. Finin, M. A. Grasso, Y. Yesha, and A. Joshi, "Intelligent Agents and UICDS", InProceedings, Workshop on Emergency Management: Incident, Resource and Supply Chain Management, November 2009, 157 downloads.
- L. Han, T. Finin, A. Joshi, and Y. Yesha, "Data Integration for E-Science Using Correlated Concepts", InProceedings, Microsoft eScience Workshop 2009, September 2009.
- M. Halem, C. Tilmes, Y. Yesha, D. Chapman, and P. Nguyen, "Providing Gridded Atmospheric Radiance Products and Services from MODIS and AIRS Instruments on NASA's Aqua Satellite", Article, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008., February 2009.
- C. Tilmes, M. Linda, and A. J. Fleig, "Atmospheric Composition Processing System (ACPS)", Article, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, January 2009.
- M. Halem, N. Most, C. Tilmes, K. Stewart, Y. Yesha, D. Chapman, and P. Nguyen, "Service-Oriented Atmospheric Radiances (SOAR): Gridding and Analysis Services for Multisensor Aqua IR Radiance Data for Climate Studies", Article, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, January 2009.
- A. Java, "Mining Social Media Communities and Content", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, December 2008, 56965 downloads.
- C. Tilmes, "Standardizing Interfaces for External Access to Data and Processing for the NASA Ozone Product Evaluation And Test Element", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2008 Geoinformatics Conference , July 2008.
- C. Tilmes and A. J. Fleig, "Provenance Tracking in an Earth Science Data Processing System", InProceedings, Proceedings of Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes: Second International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, Ipaw 2008, , June 2008, 2229 downloads.
- K. Dasgupta, R. Singh, B. Vishwanathan, D. Chakraborty, A. Joshi, S. Mukherjea, and A. A. Nanavati, "Social ties and their relevance to churn in mobile telecom networks", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database technology: Advances in database technology, March 2008, 2940 downloads.
- C. Tilmes, A. J. Fleig, and M. Linda, "Atmospheric Composition Processing System (ACPS): Evolution from instrument-based to measurement-based processing", Article, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007., January 2008.
- T. Finin, J. Gama, R. Grossman, D. Lambert, H. Liu, K. Liu, O. Nasraoui, L. Singh, J. Srivastava, and W. Wang, "National Science Foundation Symposium on Next Generation of Data Mining and Cyber-Enabled Discovery for Innovation (NGDM’07): Final Report", TechReport, October 2007, 40 downloads.
- C. Parr, J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and T. Finin, "RDF123 and Spotter: Tools for generating OWL and RDF for biodiversity data in spreadsheets and unstructured text", InProceedings, Proceedings of Biodiversity Information Standards Annual Conference (TDWG 2007), October 2007, 2264 downloads, 3 citations.
- M. Halem, Y. Yesha, C. Tilmes, D. Chapman, M. Goldberg, and L. Zhou, "A Web Service Tool (SOAR) for the Dynamic Generation of L1 Grids of Coincident AIRS, AMSU and MODIS Satellite Sounding Radiance Data for Climate Studies", Article, EOS Transactions, June 2007.
- A. Parafiynyk, C. Parr, J. Sachs, and T. Finin, "Adding Semantics to Social Websites for Citizen Science", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic e-Science (AAAI 07), June 2007, 6174 downloads, 3 citations.
- C. Tilmes, M. Linda, and A. J. Fleig, "Development of two Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPS) for NASA's Earth Observation System (EOS)", InProceedings, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004, December 2004, 98 downloads.
- T. Finin and J. Sachs, "Will the Semantic Web Change Science?", Article, Science Next Wave, September 2004, 8 citations.
- V. Parekh, J. (. Gwo, and T. Finin, "Mining Domain Specific Texts and Glossaries to Evaluate and Enrich Domain Ontologies", InProceedings, International Conference of Information and Knowledge Engineering, June 2004, 8231 downloads, 24 citations.
- V. Parekh, J. (. Gwo, and T. Finin, "Ontology based Semantic Metadata for GeoScience Data", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, June 2004, 5763 downloads, 1 citation.
- L. Ding and T. Finin, "Weaving the Web of Belief into the Semantic Web", TechReport, UMBC, May 2004, 7354 downloads.
- D. L. Waltz, T. Finin, F. Green, F. Conrad, B. Goodman, and G. D. Hadden, "The Planes System: Natural Language Access to a Large Data Base", TechReport, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, November 1976, 267 downloads.
Old News
- Platys: From Position to Place in Next Generation Networks
August 31, 2009 - From 'Need to Know’ to ‘Need to Share’:
April 30, 2008 - Looking back at the ebiquity research group's 2006
January 1, 2007 - UMBC researchers investigate the Blogosphere
September 5, 2006 - SemNews: news text to Semantic Web
January 12, 2006 - Zhongli Ding defends dissertation
December 5, 2005 - McNamee receives best paper award
August 15, 2005 - UMBC and IBM collaborate on autonomic computing
February 24, 2005 - ebiquity paper selected as best paper
January 3, 2005 - UMBC ebiquity group launches four new PhDs
December 23, 2004 - Xiaocheng Luan defends dissertation
September 17, 2004 - UMBC Student honored by CRA as an Outstanding Undergraduate
August 3, 2004 - ebiquity Student Team Wins $120M in Supply Chain Contest
July 25, 2004 - Three new PhDs
May 19, 2004 - Agentcities project a finalist in 2003 Descartes Prize
September 25, 2003 - UMBC Participates in CNSF's 9th Annual Capitol Hill Science Exhibition
June 19, 2003
Old Events
- Generative Adversarial Networks, An Introduction
February 1, 2017 - Rapalytics! Where Rap Meets Data Science
September 17, 2014 - Generating Linked Data from Tables.
March 24, 2013 - Privacy and Security in Online Social Media
March 11, 2013 - Making the Semantic Web Easier to Use for Sharing Science Data
December 6, 2011 - Citizen Science on the Social and Semantic Web, PhD proposal, Joel Sachs
September 9, 2011 - Generating Linked Data by inferring the semantics of tables
May 25, 2011 - Enabling Reproducibility of Scientific Data Flows through Tracking and Representation of Provenance
March 31, 2011 - Enabling Reproducibility of Scientific Data Flows with Provenance Equivalence
February 8, 2011 - Towards Cooperative Autonomous Resilient Defenses in Cyberspace
October 22, 2010