
 deep learning |  semantic annotation | 11g | 2010 | aaai | abac | academic cloud | access broker | access control | access control. security | access handler | ace | acess control | acl | active expert systems | activity | activity recognition | actor determination | ad 2010 | ad hoc | ad hoc netrorkingservice | ad-hoc networking | adaptability | adaptive websites | adiabatic quantum computing | adl | advertising | after action reports | agent | agent communication | agent communication language | agent communication languages | agentcities | agents mobile | agents. multi-agent systems | ai | ai agents rei policy owl rdf | ai history | ajax | algorithms | amazon | amazon mechanical turk | ambiguity | amit mahale | amt | amz | analysis service | analytical models | analytics | and text mining | android | android app | app behavior analytics | aqua satellite life span | aqua spacecraft | argumentation | artificial inteligence | artificial intelligence | asr | assured information sharing | at-tribute revocation | atmospheric composition | atmospheric composition processing system | atmospheric infrared sounder | atmospheric radiation | atn | attribute based access control (abac) | attribute based encryption (abe) | attribute revocation | attribute revocation; knowledge graph | attribute-based access control | attribute-based access control (abac) | attribute-based encryption | attribute-based encryption (abe) | auction | authentication | authorization | autoencoder | automated compliance | automatic sla monitoring | automatic speech recognition | automatic test equipment | automatic thesaurus generation | automation | autonomic computing | backpropagation learning | backstage | bartering | battlefield | bayesian network | bayesian networks | bayesian reasoning | bayesowl | benchmark | bert | bgp | big data | bioinformatics | biological system modeling | blockchain | blog | blogosphere | blogvox | bluetooth | botnet detection | bpel | business | buzz | byesowl | byzantine medical faults | calendar | calphad | cascaded jobs. | categorization | causal ai | cca | cci | cell processor | changing scheme | charitable crowdfunding | chatgpt | cikm | citation analysis | claim verification | classification | classification and clustering | classification scheme | classifier | cleaning | climate change | climate model | climate studies | climatology | clinical text | clinical trial | clinical-genomic risk | cloud | cloud computing | cloud computing; grid; it service; methodology | cloud computing; semantic web; service lifecycle | cloud privacy | cloud security | cloud security models | cloud service | cloud sla | cloud standards | cloud storage | clud computing | clustering | cnn | cobra | code of federal regulations | coference | cognitive | cold start | collaboration in health-care | collaborations | collaborative data management | collaborative ecommerce | collaborative query processing | communication | communities | community detection | community health-care | community-oriented measurement-based processing system | compilers | complex decision-making problem | compliance | components | compressive sensing | computational linguistics | computer industry | computer networking | computer science | computer security | computer vision | computing research association | confidentiality | configuration management | congestion | consistency | contact tracing | contect | context | context aware | context awareness | context broker | context mining | context modeling | context sensitive policy | context-aware | context-awareness | context-sensitive | contextual information resource description framework | contract net protocols | convexification | convolutional neural network | cooltown | cooperation | coordination | coreference | coreference resolution | corporate | corpus statistics | covid | covid-19 | cps | cra | crf | cross layer | cross layer adaptation | cross site scripting | cross-domain correlation | cross-layer | cross-layer analysis | crowdflower | crowdsourcing | cryptography | cryptomarket | cs education | csee research review | cve | cyber attack | cyber defense | cyber insurance | cyber security | cyber threat intelligence | cyber-attack | cyber-physical | cyber-physical system | cyber-physical systems | cyberattack | cybersecurity | cybersecurity ai | cybersecurity informatics | cyberspace | cybrsecurity | cyc | d-wave | daml | daml+oil | data | data acquisition | data analysis | data availability | data compression | data fusion | data integration | data interoperability | data management | data mining | data mining; algorithms | data poisoning attack | data privacy | data processing | data protection | data protection regulations | data provenance | data quality | data routing substrates | data validation | data warehouse | database | datamining | dataset | dbpedia | dcg | deception | decision support | decision tree | declarative policy | deductive database | deep learning | default reasoning | default rule | delegation | delta | denial of service | deontic logic | detecting anomalies | device preferences | device profiles | diagnosis | diff | differential privacy | digital certificate | digital certificates | digital health | digital twin | discovery | disinformation | dissertation | dissertation defense | dissertation proposal | distributed | distributed computing | distributed systems | distributed trust | diversity reception | document ontology | document processor & crypto module. | document understanding | domain influence | dynamic | dynamic topic modeling | e-business | e-business integration | earthcube | ebiquity | ec2 | eclipse | eco-informatics | ecoinformatics | ecology | ecommerce | electronic health record | electronic health record (ehr) | electronic healthcare record | embeddings | encarta | encryption | energy | energy efficient | energy policy | ensembling | enterprise | enterprise integration | entitly linking | entity disambiguation | entity extraction | entity linking | entity recognition | entity resolution | entity type recognition | entity typing | envirornmental science | equivalence | error | error correction | escience | ethereum. | evaluation | events | evidence based medicine | evidence-based medicine | evolutionary computing | exfiltration | expert system | expert systems | explainable ai | explanations | extensible dynamic form | extraction | faceblock | facebook | fact prediction | fact validation | fact verification | factuality | fading channels | false data injection | feeds | fellowships | file encryption | fipa | first order logic | foaf | folksonomy | food web | forward chaining | frame | framenet | frames | framework | framing technique | friendfeed | frontstage | fuzzy clustering | fuzzy interpretive structural modeling (fism) | fuzzy ism | fuzzy logic | game theory | games | gan | gcc | gdpr | general data protection regulation | generative adversarial network | generative ai | generative artificial intelligence | generative models | generative-ai | generators | genericity | genetic algorithm | genomics | genre adaptation | geo | geolink | geolocation | geophysics computing | georss | geoscience | geosocial networking | geospatial | geotagging | gis | global optimization | goddard space flight center | google | google glass | google maps | government | gpdr | gps | gpt | graph analysis | graph embedding | graph embeddings | graphical models | graphical models. | graphical models.open government data | graphics | graphs | grddl | greedy algorithms | grid | grid computing | gridding | grounded language | group centric | gsfc earth science data and information service center | gsfc modaps | gsis | hacking techniques | hadoop | handheld devices | hci | health misinformation | healthcare | help | hessian matrix | heterogeneous architectures | heterogeneous data | hierarchical groups | high performance computing | hipaa | hltcoe | hmm | home energy | hotspot networks | hpc | hri | human language technology | hybrid system | ibm cell b.e. | ibm xlc | icc | icwsm | identifiers | ids | illicit drugs | image processing | images processing | in-context learning | indian elections | industrial internet of things | inference | influence | influence model | infobox | information assurance | information extraction | information integration | information retrieval | information service | information sharing | infrared grating spectrometers | infrared imagingad 2013 | inheritance | instance matching | integration | intelligence gathering | intelligent agent | intelligent control | intelligent software agents | intelligent systems | intelligent web services and semantic web | interlingua | internet of battlefield things | internet of things | intrusion | intrusion detection | intrustion detection | intuitive query | iobt | iot | iot interoperability sensor | ipfp | iphone | ipv6 | ir | ising model | iswc08 | it service | iterative proportional fitting procedure | java | jena | jess | jini | joins | joint inference | kann | kbp knowledge base population | kif | kl-one | klone | knowledge | knowledge base | knowledge base population | knowledge extraction | knowledge graph | knowledge graph (ontologies) | knowledge graph (ontology) | knowledge graph consistency | knowledge graph embedding | knowledge graphs | knowledge guided learning | knowledge integration | knowledge representation | knowledge sharing | knowledge-based system | knowledgegraph (ontology) | kqml | kr | kullback- leibler distance | lambdaram | language | language model | language understanding | language understanding. nlp | laparoscopic cholecystectomy | large language model | large language models | lda | learning | learning and discovery | leave | lexical knowledge | lexical semantics | lexicon | life cycle | lifecycle | link analysis | link polarity | link prediction | linked data | linked open data | lisp | llm | load modeling | local government | local minimum | local-minimum | location | location dependent | lod | log files | log transformation | logic programming | logs | mac | machine reading | machine translation | machine-learning | machinelearning | malicious detection | malware | manet | manifold | manufacturing service | map-reduce | mapping | mapreduce | maps | marketing and sales | markov logic networking | markov logic networks | material genomics | material science | mathematical model | mathematical programming | maximum-weighted bipartite graph | mc2 | mcommerce | mean squared error | measurement uncertainty | medical computing | medical device | medical diagnosis | medical informatics | medical records | medical tables | message passing | meta-analysis | metadata | metareasoning | meters | methodology | methodology; lifecycle | metrics | microblog | microformats | mining web logs | misbehavior detection | misinformation | misinformation detection | mitre att&ck | ml | mnist | mobile | mobile ad hoc networks. | mobile apps | mobile computing | mobile computing pervasive computing | mobile data management | mobile device | mobile electronic marketing | mobile health | mobile information access | mobile information management | mobile interaction | mobile middleware | mobile p2p | mobile security | mobile service | mobile systems | mobile-computing | mobipedia | model checking | modeling | modeling influence | moderate resolution imaging spectrometer | modis mission | mp3 | ms defense | ms thesis defense | mturk | multi-agent systems | multi-authority attribute based encryption (ma-abe) | multi-core computing | multi-dimensional trust management | multi-domain operations | multi-relational data | multi-threaded programming | multiagent | multiagent sysftems | multiagent system service discovery | multiagent system | multicore | multicore computing | multilayer perceptrons | multimedia | multisensor aqua ir radiance data | music | named entities | named entity | named entity recognition | names entity recognition | nasa | nasa earth science data | nash equilibrium | natural language processing | natural language | natural language processing | natural language queries | natural languge | near duplicate detection | negotation. supply chain | negotiation | neighborhood | ner | network | network management | network topology | networking | neural network | neural networks | nist | nlp atn parsing | nominal compound | normalized risk-averting error | nsf | nvd | oblivious | oblivious data structure | oblivious storage | oceanography | oligopoly | on demand computing | on-the-fly table generation | online algorithms | online health information (ohi) | online user-specified visualization | ontology | ontology alignment | ontology design | ontology design pattern | ontology mapping | ontology transformation | ontosem | open source | open-source intelligence | opencl | operational ozone products | opinion extraction | opinions | ops5 | optimization | oracle | oram | ordinal regression | overview | owl | owl-s | ozone monitoring instrument mission | p2p | p3p | pack formation | parallel computing | parsing | part 2 | pda | pdf | performance | performance evaluation | personalised news | personalization | personalized medicine | personally identifiable information | pervasice computing | pervasive | pervasive computing | pervasive computintg | petri net | ph.d. dissertation defense | phd proposal | phishing | phy | physical web | pii | pki | place | plan recognition | planning | pmi | pml | pointwise mutual information | polarity extraction | policies. | policy | policy automation | policy capture | policy enforcement | policy expressions | policy maintenance | policy rei | policy-based | political crowdfunding | portable computers | possibility theory | poster | power law | power law distribution | power measurement | power system optimization | power system reliability | power system security; load flow; optimisation | power transmission lines | powerset | precision agriculture | prediction | predictive caching | pricing | priming effect | privacy policies | privacy | privacy policies | privacy policy | privacy preserving computing | privacy protocol | privacy-aware pictures | privaxy | probability | probability distribution | probability theory | production rules | programming languages | prolog | proof markup language | proposal | protein | protein grouping techniques | protenomics | protocol | provenance | psimap | purl | qa system | quality framework | quality metrics | quantum annealing | quantum computing | query | query distribution estimation | question answering | rails | ranking | rbac | rdb | rdf | rdf database | rdf store | rdf/xml | rdf123 | rdfs | real world | real-time expert systems | real-time systems | reasoning | recommendation | recommendation service | regulations | rei | reinforcement learning | relation discovery | relation inference | relay networking (telecommunications) | remote sensing | remote sensingacps | repair | representation learning | reproducibility | reputation | reputation management | resource management | restricted boltzmann machine | rfid | rif | risk-averting error | robot nlp learning | robotics | role | routing | rss | ruby | ruleml | rules | sat | scale free | scale free protein. | scale-free | schedules | schema free query | schema mapping | schema-free query | science | science investigator-led processing systems | scientific computing | scientific data | scientific tables | search | search engine | searchable encryption | searchable encryption (se) | secaodv | secure | secure data sharing | secure deletion | secure mobile applications | secure mobile databases | security | security checklist | security compliance models | security domains | security frameworks | security policy | self-organization | semanic web | semantic | semantic cloud service | semantic cloud services | semantic graph | semantic interoperability | semantic interpretation | semantic message passing.semantic web | semantic policy | semantic roles | semantic search | semantic similarity | semantic table interpretation | semantic tabular data discovery | semantic web | semantic web graphs | semantic weg | semantic-based search | semantics | semanticweb | semnews | senior care | sensing | sensor | sensor network | sensors | sentiment | sentiment analysis | sentiment analysis system | sentiment detection | service | service automation | service composition | service contracts | service discovery | service level agreement | service level agreements | service management | service negotiation | service oriented architecture | service planner | service quality | service science | service sciences | service-centric routing | service-oriented architecture | service-oriented atmospheric radiances | service-oriented computing | service; methodology; lifecycle | session management | signal processing | signal to noise ratio | similarity | similarity measure | similarity metric | similarity metrics | simple object access protocol | simulation | simulator | situation awareness | situation-awareness | situational-aware | skqml | sla | slogs | slot filling | slp | smart contract | smart farming | smart grid | smart grid. | smart grids | smart internet | smart objects | smart service; cloud computing | smart space | smart vehicles | smartphone | snps | soa | soar | social | social computing | social media | social media analysis | social network | social network analysis | social networking | social networks | social trust | socialmedia | sociology | software agent | software agents | software engineering | sotware agent | soupa | spam | sparql | speech | speech act | speech acts | speech recognition | sping splogosphere | spire | spire bioblitz ecoinfomatics | splog | splogosphere | spogs | spoken language | spreading activation | spreadsheet | spreadsheets | ssme | state estimation | state government | statistical association | statistical relational models | statistics | stock market analysis | storage | storage management | storytelling | stream processing | streaming | streaming database | streams | student mobility | style checker | substance use disorder | supplier discover | supplier discovery | supplier registry | supply chain | support vector machine | surgical training | svm | sweetjess | swoogle | swrl | swrl rules | synonyms | synthetic data | system call analysis | systems | table characterization | tables | tac | tagging | task computing | technology | tefca | telegraphcq | temporal duration | tensor | tensor decomposition | tensor factorization | terror networking | text | text analysis conference | text analytics | text classification | text classifiction | text corpus | text mining | textual fuzzy interpretive structural modeling (tfism) | topic model | topic modeling | topic modelling | total cost to ownership (tco) | total ozone mapping spectrometer mission | trading agent | traffic | training | trajectory | transformer | transformers | transmission line measurements | transportation | trend analysis | trend analysis | trends | triple shop | triples | trust | trust management | truth maintenance | tuple space | twitter | ubiquitous computing | uco | uddi | uic | umbc | umls | uncertainty | uncertainty reasoning | uncertaninty | underserved populations | unsupervised learning | upnp | upwelling ir spectral radiance measurements | uri | usability | user agent | user authentication | user intention | user interface generation. | user model | user modeling | user modelling | user privacy and security | user's privacy | usm cloud | vanet | vanets | vcl | vcl image | vector space models | vectorization | vehicle security | vehicles | vehicular security | version relation | vigilnet | virtual computing lab | virtual reality | virtual worlds | virtualized | visualization | vizualization | vulnerability | wearable computing | wearable technology | wearables | web | web 2.0 | web 3.0 | web application security | web logs | web mining | web of belief | web security | web spam | web-based services | web-service library | websphere | weizenbaum | wifi | wikidata | wikipedia | wikitology | wireless | wireless misbehavior | wireless networking | wlan | word clouds | word embedding | word embeddings | word sense | word similarity | word2vec | workshop report | xml | xml matching | xml schema | xml schema matching | xss